Thursday, April 28, 2011
Insight by Damaris May 2011
Greetings and thanks for being here.
As of now, I am writing and channeling for the warrior spirits who need the insight that mainstream astrology and metaphysical sites do not cater to.
Titles can be restricting, however I will use them in this scenario for clarity.
The souls who may benefit from my services and insight are often called by these names:
Spiritual Warriors
Crystal Children
Fallen Angels
As children they may have experienced:
Extreme abuse
Psychic abilities
Jealousy from family members (parents included)
Extreme food allergies
Embarrassment or were made to feel ashamed of intelligence and special gifts
Many deaths in the family
A yearning to explore "the beyond"
A feeling of not "fitting in"
Taking on others pain
A deep desire to help others
A deep desire to "do something"
Memory loss
Feeling an inner power that they didn't understand
Astral traveling
Sleep walking
As children, the warrior may have been forced to:
Eat unusual and unhealthy foods
Suppress psychic or healing abilities
Perform sexual acts
Participate in religious cults or practices
Take care of siblings and other family members
There are many warriors who have had great childhood experiences and suffered no abuse.
In fact, they may have been referred to as a special or gifted child.
Regardless of the experiences, these readings are here to fill in the gaps between the soul of a warrior and mainstream healing modalities.
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Insight by Damaris for May 2011
Warrior Nation Nine (installment one)
For the warrior spirits, the month of May will be a powerful one and prove to be an example of ones faith and abilities.
This reading suggests starting the month with mantras and acknowledgment of gratitude.
Revisit the past and then remind yourself of what you have to be thankful for.
Include your accomplishments, your compassion and other areas of your disposition,
Being thankful sets a comforting platform for respecting life's cycles that will lead to consistency. The reading implies each emotion/action connects.
This connection is just the spark needed to move forward with zeal and confidence.
Around the 17th of the month, overlooking others "errors" attitudes, and unsettling behaviors should be simple because you see beyond the energy and view it as "typical behavior" ( the warrior doesn't over react, rather uplift her/his spirit with assurance).
Cleansing is suggested this month to keep the body-mind-soul frequency clear.
If you would like a cleansing suggestion, email:
Blessings and balance! -damaris
This month you may feel the inclination to build a defense or prove your worth and power.
Although those feelings may be in an alignment with the grand scheme, it is suggested that you avoid reacting and focus on enhancing a plan of action that stems from your ambitions.
If your plans are based upon the possibility of defeat and the insecurity to prove,
you may want to ask yourself:
* How does the action of others affect my life's work?
* Will reacting to fear of defeat increase my self-will and esteem?
* If my motivation derives from out-side sources, where does my life-force come from?
Remember that Water signs can be viewed as the life givers.
This month, find time to dig deep into your beautiful being and reconnect with your
inner fire.
When you begin to perform based upon your personal relationship with the Universe, your work is dynamic in delivery and remarkably effective because of its authenticity.
This month you want action!
Years, months, days and nights, you put in the work and now you want the goodness of return.
After looking closely, your reading explains that your desires come alive after you have linked hidden information about yourself to your project and work.
"Hidden" translates to your key to life or your soul purpose.
You must be clear that your soul purpose and reason for existing is connected to your current mission.
Everything that you have learned about yourself, all of your initiations and the conversations you had with your secret self must coincide with your plans.
For the warrior, truth prevails.
If your personal truth is "altered" in order to reap the benefits from the masses, do not be alarmed if struggle surfaces.
Remember, the warrior plants her/his truth deep into the soil.
From that point, roots begin to grow and bare fruit for generations to come.
May is a great time for the fire to gather resources and develop family and domestic structure.
Extended family is included; work, friends and spiritual family.
Having your house in order ensures a comfortable working space and proper navigation when things become a bit hectic around the 21st of the month.
Those around you may need advice or you may need to carry an extra work-load unexpectedly.
The warrior is prepared and thinks futuristically (not out of paranoia, but as a way of assisting synchronicity) projecting a sense of peace and security in any situation.
Intimate relationships that are complicated should be avoided this month.
There is no denying the intricacies, however mastering the art of communication and timing is vital.
The energy you carry now is electric and powerful thus it may spill over into the relationship causing a "fire".
Being giving, patient and understanding are the keys to making this month a success!
If you feel you deserve greater status or acknowledgement, you actually do!
Your feelings and work are important as they have great impact on those around you.
Being optimistic and inspired by your own efforts and skill level lifts the warrior spirit.
In fact, this inspiration is magnetic and attracts greater responsibility and opportunity that you are prepared for.
Going deeper into your spiritual practices and gifts bring out the great teacher in you!
Normally other's opinions shouldn't matter, yet this month their thoughts give insight into what your next move should be.
There are clues and messages all around you, therefore paying close attention is suggested throughout the month of May.
This month is about magnetism-the more energy you put out, the more you receive!
Take the time to meditate and focus your most sacred "magic" toward your goals.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Insight by Damaris for April 2011
April’s reading suggest keeping all relationships realistic very much like business.
Making decisions based on current scenarios than its potential is suggested.
If there are “risks” and dangers and the relationship isn’t terminated, it is only a short matter of time the concerns surface.
From this point, it is up to you to decide if this is resolvable and worth the hassle.
For the warrior spirits, relationships should be clear and mutually beneficial. They should be grounded and wrapped in divine purpose.
A full understanding of this purpose should be known to all involved-this means everyone is on one accord.
For the warrior, it is best to be alone rather then be in a non-productive and unhealthy partnership.
The warrior has an inner knowingness that will lend insight and also supply comfort to challenging scenarios.
Full acceptance of the spiritual path, the warrior will make appropriate choices in relationships.
Hydration * Circulation * Blood
April is a great time to focus on blood cleansing, circulation and hydrating the body.
Stretching routine and drinking water with lime or lemon is suggested this month.
For those who have not had a detox in a while, or detox but it didn’t include the blood, consider consulting your health professional about eliminating toxins from the blood.
Suggested nutrients:
Blueberry Tea
Insight for Water (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio)
Carry your natural charm and use the art of persuasion this month.
Remind yourself of your innate strength and determination even when the days
are going just the way you want them. Any form of confidance boost does you well and keep your spirit high.
The more you smile and feel good inside, the more you see your goals accomplished.
Keep the lines of communication open especially toward the end of the month.
This means keep your phone off silent mode and be prepared to get good news, more clients and an invitation to powerful resources.
Be open to all possibilities.
Aura read for Water
Balancing your emotions and accepting your inner feelings for someone yet keeping it separate from business is suggested. A great time to grow up emotionally and this month support your efforts.
Matters of the heart should be looked at closely while making logical decisions.
There is nothing wrong with loving deeply and looking at the obvious reality.
Insight for Earth (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo)
As always there is more work to do and being meticulous isn’t such a bad idea this month. You may have a gut feeling that your hard work may finally pay off and your optimism enhances the outcome.
This month, forms of victory come about and yes celebrating is in order, however remain focused because there is much more ahead. It is a great time to add on to a project or business venture. The work is not early done; in fact it is only the beginning. Think of you as building an empire- it is suggested you be futuristic in your thoughts. Instead of thinking about “endings” think about expansion.
Aura read for Earth
Forgiveness and letting go of family situations that you can do nothing about is suggested.
Remember the good times and the not so good and be thankful for both.
In doing so, you will accept that life is about experiences and that you are and will be a better human because of it.
You are loved and your spiritual family is close to you.
Insight for Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
This month is a super power month for you. Being aggressive and over-confident actually works for you and others admire your strength and wisdom.
You get a lot done and utilizing your most of your brain power during the days allows you to have better sleep at night.
Keeping a tight schedule and being prompt is suggested this month because you don’t want to miss out on any opportunities or important deadlines.
April is about getting the business done. Work hard and play later.
Aura read for Fire
Staying away from sugars, rich foods, and keeping a clean diet only enhances your power. If you want to maximize your potential this month, stay away from junk foods, drink more water, and limit the caffeine. No time for a nervous or upset stomach. Be the best you can be mentally and physically.
Insight for Air (Aquarius, Gemini, Libra)
Finding the balance between caring for others and being just a little selfish may be difficult this month. Be reasonable and just remember that you can only do so much.
If you stress out, you won’t be good for anyone.
This reading suggests finding your favorite way to relax and incorporate it into your regime. This will be a great way to remain empathetic when you need to be and yet focused and effective when it comes to your life.
Aura read for Air
Communication is the focus for this month. Normally you are a wonderful communicator, yet this read suggest that you develop a better communication
with yourself. How do you speak to your spirit when you are alone? How do you really feel about yourself? Redevelop the relationship between the daily earthly you and your inner spirit and thoughts. Love you more!