Monday, February 16, 2015

Insight by Damaris

Insight by Damaris Body Scan and Aura Reading
for wk ending/2.21.2015

"Manage your Mouth"

This week is a "think before you speak" week.
The reading suggests that we expand our minds and speak life
into our lives rather than be over the top emotional.
Out of control emotions can create greater separation between our
true soul's purpose and our current scenario.
This week's reading is a reminder that just because you can not see, feel and touch
the outcome of your truth, does not mean that you can not enjoy
the journey of speaking it into creation.
And then..what about living your truth? If it is embedded in your heart and mind, wouldn't
that be like living your truth anyway?
Some will say they have to wait until they move, get another job, get in shape, get a divorce and so on
before they can do what they really want to do.
If that is your truth, well then that is a part of the development stages-in this case,
have patience while being realistic and proactive within your dreams.

Powerful Tongue United with the Unseen

I asked why is this week about managing our tongues.
The reading revealed that unrecognized and unseen planetary energy
can increase the connectivity between our emotions and the vibrations
when we speak out. Hence we should understand that no word
goes unheard.
If we are loose with our tongues (saying what we don't really mean),
the universal energies will decide what to do with this energy and can be in our favor, or not.
This also works to our advantage when we speak with clarity and focus.
Ultimately it is up to you this week...
will your tongue get you in trouble ? lol
Or will it enhance your current scenario.
I would say that if there are any prayer warriors out there, this
week may be your week!

If your words painted a picture, what would it look like?

**Side note*** if the energy is potent this week from a planetary perspective, I would also think this week folks could get pregnant, just a thought.

Aura read
Collectively, the Aura reading suggest that we go within and deal with the root chakra.
If we are having intimate issues and financial challenges, the aura reading shows
that our foundation (root chakra) is connected to our emotions and disappointments (heart chakra).
If our heart chakra is closed, subconsciously, this would put a wall between us and  feeling deserving of
successful relationships both financial and intimate.
The root chakra deals with mother issues, sexual encounters, stability, finances, home life as a child,
guilt, anger, fear..

Suggestion: if you are working on the root chakra or those connecting challenges, think about
taking a spiritual bath while focusing on a red candle.
Ask that old emotions be released from you and any attachments connected to those emotions be released.
If you would like a personalized spiritual bath, inbox me and I will give your more info including cost.
Make it an amazing week luv bunnies!!

Monday, February 2, 2015

Insight by Damaris

Insight by Damaris for the week ending 2/7/2015
"The Quiet Storm"
this reading is asking us to pay attention to the resolutions, goals and task
we set for ourselves.
For some, goals can stem back to childhood. For others, it may be more recent goals from 2014.
Either way, this week it is suggested that we plot, scheme, collaborate with our higher self and do at least ONE task that will place us closer to achieving individual goals.
The reading says that it's just a good time to CHOOSE to regain focus and that if we do, outside forces will not disturb us this week once we have made up our minds.
For those that are "forced" to spend time alone, use it to your advantage.
The reading says that it is your ancestors and guides that put you in this position to take you away from the "mess" and yet bring you back to you.
For an example, lets say you were on your way to meet up with friends and family.
You get into your vehicle, but it doesn't start.
The time spent at the mechanics or the time spent without being able to leave should be used wisely.
One can easily pull out a journal and write strategically concerning their life's plan.
The reading says that naturally, this will feel good to many because some of us will be connecting with the "super being" inside. The same being that knows their is a purpose for existing.

The body scan for this reading shows focus may be a problem hence here are a few tips:
* schedule to "turn off" for an hour on your planner.
this turn off time can be used to breathe, meditate, write in journal or even clean the house.
Once you get used to your "turn off" time, your focus will improve tremendously.
* think of ways to bring back the passion in your life. If you are excited about your life, you will automatically acquire the discipline it takes to focus on achieving
* in your prayers and mediation, simply ask for greater clarity and focus
* keep white and yellow candles lit where you lounge
* say no this week to non-sense
* list 7 reasons why you should invest in you
* wash your head/hair with coconut water and then smudge your head with sage/cedar
In summary, this week's reading is a reminder of an "open path" regardless of the surrounding circumstances.
One should ask, how is my current disposition a lesson that leads to self-mastery? Or, how can I use the energy around me to master my existence.
Indeed, this is the week of the "Quiet Storm".
I am reminded of the Pinky and the Brain..
Pinky: Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?
Brain: The same thing we do every night, Pinky - try to take over the world!