Wednesday, July 25, 2012

InSight by Damaris Part 2 Jul-Aug 15 2012

If you would like to schedule a reading and energy session:  Or 404.840.7503 to make an appointment.

InSight By Damaris continues…
July-August 15
th 2012

Tips for the remaining month thru August 15:

* Back up important files, computers, phone etc.
* Have cash available
* Hydrate the body
* Cleanse the mind by smudging or sweating (such as a sweat lodge)
* Listen to your intuition
* Clear up outdated home repairs, for an example, filling in holes, repairing roofs etc.
* Protect you from toxic relationships-leave immediately
* Avoid family disputes-separate you from toxic family members if possible
* Protect you psychically and physically during sex
* Tend to outdated car repairs even if you need to do patch work
* Acupuncture, sweating and or stretching is suggested
* Making amends with ill friends/family is suggested
* Create a safe space to have a talk or listening session with children


This is a great time to look for new learning tools, support groups or enroll
in classes that will enhance your life’s objective.
Living your potential may be important to your esteem and how you go about it matters now more than ever or so it seems.

The best way to take you to the next level is putting forth the effort by creating an “action-filled” game plan and schedule.
Don’t worry about what you need to do in order to get to that “comfort level”, just do what you know to do and allow that energy to work on your behalf.
If you focus on your current abilities and resources, what you think you are lacking will appear.
This reading suggest working with what you have and in doing so, you may discover
that you have all you need during this cycle.
Greed, viewing what others have and looking outside of yourself for solutions
infect the mind, hence the mind games played with yourself grows out of control; this leads to a significant decrease in confidence.

Detaching from others is suggested especially if your work qualities are defined through a team or company.
This doesn’t mean quit a job or position, however the translation here means to
focus on your skill and know it exist with or without a “popular name” attached to it.

Acknowledgement of self, exceptional skill set and action all lead to the
next phase in your life.
The outcome is based on the belief in your capabilities.


This is a wonderful time in your life’s cycle where meditation, prayer and affirmations uplift you. It is also a good time to deal with any unresolved emotional issues that link to family and friends.
Your mental and emotional state is opening up, just as we can see the constant movement on Earth.
Meteorite showers expected in August may affect your mood and emotions.
If you have been feeling the need to indulge in an excess amount of stimulants or depressants such as alcohol, sugar, tobacco, masturbation, food, drugs etc., you
are really reaching for emotional and mental release.
The remedy is honesty.
Instead of hiding your emotions, allow truth to express your deepest feelings and concerns.
Going to a sacred space and spilling your guts is suggested; you will feel and be 1000 times better.
Release is on the horizon.


This read suggest mastering your existence by learning your trigger points and avoiding them when necessary.
For an example, if you know accepting a social invite leads to excessive spending, decline the invite especially if it isn’t serious networking.
In this scenario, a social invitation is really read (by the subconscious) as an invite to avoid responsibilities.
If you have plans for saving monies for equipment and tools that support your business, yet you spend without caution, what is really going on?

You may already know what your triggers are, yet this read suggest really focusing and going deep in order to destroy repeated toxic behavior.
Exercising discipline while being in a conscious state is good.
Setting new goals after detoxification, fasting, prayer and meditation may reset trigger points.
Here are basic examples of “triggers”:
Alcohol= weakened spiritual defense/lose track of goals/discipline
Sweet rolls (bread)= toxic genetic patterns
Late night web browsing= porn/ inappropriate sexual behaviors/self-hatred

Take time to think about what your weaknesses are and then tackle them in the
most strategic way to obtain a personal victory.

As you move forward in life, the reading encourages extreme discipline if it is to your benefit and those you love and serve.


The blame game has been played many times over.
The beauty in discovering that finger pointing boomerangs back to you
confirms that you are the master of your domain.
This is important for Fire signs because instead of acting out of passion,
one can act on accurate information with zeal; action is vital.
This read suggest looking closely and selflessly at work and home environments.
By doing so, you may reveal the real energy behind everyday discrepancies.
For the next 3 months, one may want to view scenarios from two directions.
For an example, a church may be a place to go and pray or prey.

The warning is this:  a hopeful heart full of romanticism may infect the realistic mind.
Denial is surely the enemy and the soul-catcher of repeated behaviors and family curses.
If the eyes walk through life behind a veil, is this life or a lie.
When the heart is aligned with one’s purpose, clarity prevails.

Massive Blessings!