Monday, October 1, 2012

InSight by Damaris Part Two

InSight By Damaris (Part Two)

Greetings and thanks for being here.
Part one for the current insight has been posted. If you have not read it, you may want to review and include it with this read.
It came to me to do another “Body Scan” read for the elements.
The scan is for us to be aware of our vulnerable areas within and around our physical bodies and when possible, seal them up.

The intuitive scan will pinpoint an area, and then suggest remedies.


Vulnerable Areas:
1.) Head-top right may be the place for possible entry of heavy energy or energy attack.
2.) Cause: self-doubt and confusion about future plans (over-thinking).
3.) Effect- blurred vision, headaches, low-energy, arguments, indecisiveness.
4.) Remedy- meditation, soft music, forgive mother once and for all.


Vulnerable Areas:
1.) Left foot may be the place for possible entry of heavy energy or energy attacks.
2.) Cause: physical and mental exertion, or lost hope.
3.) Effect-body aches, strained muscles, dehydration.
4.) Remedy- leave past friends and family behind that can be draining, fast from gossip or those that do, relocate.

Element- AIR

Vulnerable Areas:
1.) Center of stomach and lower back may be weak areas that allow energy attacks to seep in.
2.) Cause: worry, dealing with deceit and or unfair “Justice”.
3.) Effect- skin irruptions, unwilling to move on, repeated thoughts or patterns.
4.) Remedy-fasting and prayer, chanting, contact spirit guides, bathing with sea salt (spirit bath) or swimming. Positive affirmations.


Vulnerable Areas:
1.) Mouth/throat may be weak areas that allowed heavy energy to enter.
2.) Cause: over absorption of disagreeable information from media or current surroundings.
3.) Effect- decreased appetite, increased alcohol consumption, nervous energy, uncontrolled emotions.
Remedy- do what you love. 

During this cycle it is important for us to investigate our physical bodies and then determine how we can address the challenges physically, mentally and spiritually.

Please join me on Wednesday October 10th 2012, to discuss the “how-to” and the
importance of energy clearing.
This session we will focus on clearing our personal environments.
For more information and where to register, please view here.

Energy Clearing Tip!
We must comprehend the importance of follow-through.
Our subconscious absorbs what we tell ourselves.
If we say, “on Monday, I will start eating healthy again”, and we do not start,
our psyche becomes confused.
If our system reads false information after we proclaimed a truth, how does it know when we are serious?
Mixed signals create doubt/weakness within our aura.
Like any system or computer, there are “over-rides”; ways around the programs, but we have to know what they are.
Bottom line, we can’t be too convincing while trying to clear heavy energy
when we are fearful.
For those who believe that mastery of self is important, I would love to hear from you. –damaris

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