Friday, March 22, 2013

Energy Medicine For the Solar Plexus

"Will The Real Me Stand Up"
energy medicine for the solar plexus

When: Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013
Where: Phoenix and Dragon Bookstore event room
Time: 7pm-8:30pm
Presenter: Damaris- Intuitve, Chanel, Medical Intuitive, Energy Medicine
Cost: $15. per class OR save. $25. for two people

Call to Register: 404.255.5207

Most people are quit impressionable starting at an early age. Our senses constantly document experiences and often they reside within our stomachs (solar plexus the third chakra). In some cases these experiences can cause doubt or challenge our personal truths.
In this class we will:
-Reveal the warrior spirit within
-Explore the importance of self-discovery
-Learn a unique energy technique to open the stomach chakra
-Learn manifesting techniques
And more!

Although anyone can benefit from this class, those who battle with: ADHD, anxiety and breathing attacks, constipation, imbalanced thyroid, depression, mood swings and addictions should attend.

This class is fun and informative. Please attend with comfortable clothing.
All supplies and loving treats are provided.

*One night only special discount on energy clearing items*

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