Friday, October 25, 2013

Witch's Brew

“Witch’s Brew”
Making Your Own Spells Is Fun To Do!

Where: Phoenix and Dragon event room
When: Wednesday, October 30th 2013, 7pm-8:30 pm
Presenter: Damaris –Intuitive Reader, Channel, Energy Medicine Woman
Cost: $20.00 per person OR $15.00 each for groups of two or more
Contact:  Phoenix and Dragon to pre-register. 404.255.5207
Do you ever think of someone and the next day they call you?
Do you have to be careful what you think because it may happen?
Do you feel like you have a hidden power?
If you answered yes, this class is definitely for you!
In this class we will:
* discover the manifestation power within
* discuss proper use of resins and candles for spell work
* discover your magical day that is most potent for your spell work
* discuss the importance of becoming allies with nature during rituals
* learn how to write personal spells
and much more!
This class is highly recommended to those who want to increase personal power and those who have a strong affinity for manifestation techniques and magic.
Please reserve your space by registering in advance.
Call 404.255.5207

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