Monday, December 2, 2013

My Life On Paper

“My Life On Paper”
Chakra Balancing and Journaling Series
continues w/Damaris

When: Starting Tuesday December 3rd, 2013 and Tuesday December 10th, 2013
Time: 7-8:30PM
Presenter: Damaris –Intuitive Reader, Channel, Energy Medicine Woman
Cost: $50. For both classes, register in advance only.
Contact:  Phoenix and Dragon to pre-register. 404.255.5207

If you ever wanted to write a book about your life’s story and heal simultaneously, “My Life On Paper” may be the perfect jumpstart.

In this series we will:
* discuss the importance of chakra balancing
*learn how to clear old emotions and reset each energy center
* learn how to detect when chakras are out of alignment
* learn how to keep heavy energy away after chakra balancing
* learn how to heal the chakras through writing
and much more!
In addition to exploring the chakras, every attendee will receive an individual chakra reading and new journal to use in class.
December 3rd and December 10th, we will address the root, sacral and solar chakras; group discussion, clearing and healing through journaling.
The room’s atmosphere will support chakra healing therefore come in comfortable clothing and bring pillows if you like!

This class is highly recommended to those who battle with:
*addictive behavior
* verbal /sexual abuse
*imbalanced chakras
* low-energy
* migraines
* chronic neck cracking and pain
* unexplained physical discomfort
*sudden mood swings
Those determined to have a healthy, peaceful and stress-free life, these sessions are for you!
Please reserve your space by registering in advance.        
Call 404.255.5207

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