This Tuesday...
“Food and Phantoms”
This is a two week series class exploring the connection between
the physical and spiritual.
We will discuss how food, addictions and our daily attitudes link to
the unseen world.
Week 1:
-we will have a group reading that focus on daily food consumption
and how it links to psychic attacks.
- open discussion on food cravings and where they come from
-explore shrines and feeding spirits
-we will take a food challenge and revisit our findings the following week
Week 2:
-for those who took class one, we will open up with the results
from our food challenge
-discuss foods that release energetic attachments and heavy unexplained
energy within the aura
- we will develop a 4 week food calendar to use along with
candles, resins and other energy clearing tools to enhance the Third Eye.
Presenter: Damaris- Medical Intuitive, Channel, Chakra-Aura Reader and Adjuster, Energy Medicine Practitioner
WHEN: July 15th AND July 22nd, 2014
WHERE: Phoenix and Dragon Event Room
TIME: 7pm-8:30pm
COST: $25 per class OR $40 when you sign up for both classes
Please come with an open heart and ready to receive a blessing.
All supplies are provided for.
Come as you are.
Please register at Phoenix and Dragon (404) 255.5207
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