Monday, July 27, 2015

Weekly Insight 7/31/15

This week I decided to combine 3 energies of the Oracles-very much like a 3 card spread to deliver the reading for the week.
The Oracles say that self mastery, clarity, and spiritual grounding brings an abundance of energy, luck and daily fruition.
One may ask, how can I obtain self-mastery, clarity and spiritual grounding?
Oracle Lotus suggest gathering the information you know about yourself and use those things daily.
For an example, if you know you are creative, be creative every day.
Over time, you will feel as if you are practicing self-mastery daily.
Oracle Sage says that if you wear your innate gifts and naturalness like clothing
or even a pair of shoes that walks with you, how can the Universe deny you
of your desires? How can you not fulfill your destiny when your truth is your daily attire?
Do you wear your crown of wisdom daily, or do you choose to align your energy with
incompatible frequencies that keeps you in the dark.
Oracle Bijou says that being authentic is the key that opens the door to higher communication with your ancestors and guides. Surely they will never let you down.
Working together, your life will be victorious during your visit on Earth.
Make it an amazing week!

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